Owner of Global Source Distribution, Corey Halfhill and IFAST (Iowan’s For An Alternative To Smoking & Tobacco) Lobbyist Michael Triplett are on the Hill in Washington DC fighting for our rights this week along with the Vapor Technology Association. We’re working to educate our legislators about how important flavors are as part of a tobacco harm reduction strategy, but we need your help. Please encourage your customers to join CASAA and follow their call to actions so these leaders can hear their voices and what flavored vapor products mean to them.
By banning flavors, our leaders would be forcing thousands of consumers to choose between unappealing flavors of products they are trying to escape from or combustible cigarettes that will likely take their lives. It would also destroy thousands of small businesses and hand the vapor industry over to big tobacco; the ones who truly don’t want to see you stop smoking. Big tobacco didn’t create this technology. It was created despite big tobacco.
It’s time to work together to find solutions that address the issues of youth usage of vapor products and protect adults seeking an alternative that could better their lives. Banning the products preferred by adults is not the answer.
Please remind your customers to be kind and courteous when reaching out to your representatives. Tell them “Flavored vapor products saved my life. I vape and I vote.”